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Welcome to Fusion Church 

“God has put everything under the authority of Christ, and God gave him this authority for the benefit of his church, which is the Body of Christ.”


What is Fusion?

Fusion is a fellowship of people building process, which connects people with God and with one another to glorify God through their lives. It is a group that recognizes that we cannot grow in isolation and thereby connections are important for warmer fellowship, deeper discipleship, stronger worship, and broader ministry and evangelize the nations.

Gathering Time

Sunday Morning Service
10:30 am to 11:30 am
Sunday Evening Service
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
3rd Floor, Above Karachi Bakery
Hi-Tech City, Madhapur, Hyderabad

Sunday Morning Service
10:30 am to 11:30 am
4th Floor, Kokapet One Shopping Mall
Gandipet, Hyderabad

A Six-Fold Ministry Model

F: ellowship with God. (Psalm 95:6)
U: nity with fellow believers around common purposes (Acts 2:42)
S: criptural foundation for all we do (2 Timothy 3:16)
I: nnovative methods in order to most effectively win people to Jesus Christ. (1Cor 9:22)
O: bedience to Christ in all areas of life. (1 Peter 1:14 -16)
N: urturing, accepting, authentic relationships (2 Peter 3:18)

We are Multiplying

As a church, we have embraced the “We are Multiplying” theme as a call to action to expand and grow our faith community. This theme is not only a reminder of the command given to us by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 to go and make disciples of all nations, but it is also a reflection of our desire to reach out to those who have not yet heard the gospel’s good news.

We are also reminded that multiplication requires growth. Growth is not only essential for our physical bodies but also for our spiritual lives. It is through consistent prayer, studying of the Word, and fellowship that we can grow as individuals and as a church. This growth will enable us to reach out to more people, disciple them, and equip them to do the same.

In conclusion, “We are Multiplying” is more than a catchy phrase or a slogan. Fusion Church at Madhapur had a humble beginning, and it multiplied. We now have another branch of Fusion Church at Kokapet. It is a call to action for us as a church to be intentional about reaching out to others with the love of Christ, to grow in our faith, and to work together in unity to fulfill the great commission.

May this theme inspire and motivate us to be faithful and obedient servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To reach out to people and connect them to God and with one another, develop them into fully matured followers of Jesus Christ

  • Matt 22:37-39; Matt 28: 19,20

Our Attitude

Prayer Attitude 
Giving Attitude        

Worshipful Attitude        
Relational Attitude           

Service Attitude
Learning Attitude           

Fusion Church Hyderabad